We’re open Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. EST

get in touch

Email: admin@weed-sho.com
Phone number: (830) 461-5136

Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

How can i place an order?

To place an order, please follow these steps:

  1. Visit our official website at weed-sho.com and create an account. By becoming a member, you will gain access to exclusive offers and discounts.
  2. Browse through our extensive selection of premium cannabis products and reputable brands. Once you’ve made your selection, add the items to your cart.
  3. Review your order and proceed to checkout. Upon successful payment, a confirmation email will be sent to you.
  4. Once your order has been confirmed, please allow 1-2 business days for your items to arrive
How will my order be packaged?

Your order will first be secured in an airtight, sealed bag, which will subsequently be vacuum-sealed for an additional layer of protection. This package is then placed in a nondescript box to ensure discretion. We take privacy seriously, hence, all our products are housed in odor-proof bags and vacuum sealed once more for optimal security and confidentiality…

Can you ship to my location?

We ship all over the whole since we are in collaboration with many shipping company and for orders out of the USA, It may takes two to three days for your products to be delivered to your precised location

What is the minimum purchase required?

The minimum order value is set at $50. We offer free shipping for orders that exceed $1000. However, please note that a shipping fee of $100 will be applied to orders that fall below this threshold.

Are the images of your products Authentic?

Indeed, all images displayed on our site are genuine and taken by our in-house photographers. These pictures are of our very own products. You may observe that product images are periodically updated to reflect our evolving product range and to ensure accurate representation.

Do you operate a pysical storefront

We currently do maintain a physical storefront in California. Our operations are physically and online-based, with our headquarters located in USA.

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