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If you want to try the most delicious CBD dark chocolate of all time, you should definitely try this CBD Living product apart of our edibles collection. It is  outrageously yummy. Moreover, contrary to other CBD products with a kind of hemp-y aftertaste, this CBD chocolate bar is pure bliss!

CBD Living Chocolates are available in Milk and Dark Chocolate varieties. In addition, they contain 200 mg of broad-spectrum Nano CBD, 25 mg per segment.

In the making of this product, CBD Living utilized a Proprietary Self-Emulsifying Technology. Said technology allows oil soluble nutrients, including our SpectrumCBD, to be delivered in an oil formulation. As soon as the oil hits the stomach’s aqueous media, a water soluble micelle structure is formed with a particle size of <100 nanometers. The droplets are carried from the lymphatic system directly to the bloodstream for fast Absorption. CBD chocolate is chocolate that contains CBD (>cannabidiol), which is one of the two major compounds that come from cannabis plants. CBD is entirely non-intoxicating as well as highly concentrated in hemp plants. It has grown in popularity over the years because a lot of our user reviews say that CBD is helpful in promoting general wellness. Moreover, many of our user reviews also consider CBD a versatile tool that may be helpful in aiding with pain relief and other health problems.

The most popular way to take CBD is to place it under the tongue in the form of oil drops. This is called the sublingual administration. It offers, according to several users’ review, one of the most effective ways to deliver CBD to the body, as it doesn’t have to pass through the digestive system to access the bloodstream.

Just because the sublingual administration is the most popular does not mean it is the only way.  There are several other ways to consume CBD like candy. Of course, each way offers a slightly different benefit, onset, and duration.


* Gluten-free

Instead of indulging in certain CBD chocolates that may be a diet breaker for gluten-sensitive people, our product has no gluten content.

* Non-GMO

Unlike other products which may have harmful chemically treated components, our CBD chocolate bar is a non-GMO product.

* Natural ingredients used

Weight gain may be further perpetuated by some CBD products however, our product doesn’t. It is made of natural components which may aid in healthy weight maintenance.

* THC-free

Though there are other products that may alleviate pain, they may have the tendency to cause a psychoactive effect. Our product has no THC so it may aid tea drinkers in avoiding feeling “high” after consumption.

* CBD Living uses only 100% organic hemp sourced from state-licensed farms in Oregon and Colorado.

Some CBD chocolate products may have no added benefit of being a good antioxidant but our product does. Our CBD chocolate bar has pure organic hemp that may be able to aid in helping with the detoxification of unwanted toxins.

* Made in the USA

Not all CBD chocolate products may be able to meet  global excellence, our product is among the quality CBD offerings produced in the USA.


Chocolate CBD is considered a CBD edible. This means it is a CBD-infused food that successfully masks the earthy and somewhat bitter hemp taste many people dislike. This makes CBD edibles all the more enjoyable to consume. Spectrum CBD gummies are the most common form right now, but CBD chocolates are well on the way to becoming more popular than oil CBD gummies or capsules. After all, who doesn’t like chocolate?

CBD Living takes your choice into account when it comes to CBD chocolates. Whatever mood you’re in, you can have the milk or dark CBD chocolate. That is, if you’re not partial to gummies or CBD capsules.


If you’re an adventurer in the kitchen, you’ll probably want to make CBD chocolates on your own. Aside from being made depending on your exact specifications, homemade CBD chocolate is also probably going to be less expensive than its store-bought counterpart. It’s also a lot more sinful than gummies.

Fortunately, this CBD chocolate recipe is a straightforward process. It requires basic kitchen utensils, chocolate molds, a little bit of sugar or natural sweetener, and of course, broad spectrum CBD or full spectrum CBD oil.

Here are the ingredients you’ll need:

1 cup unsalted butter

1 cup chocolate of your choice (broken up)

½ cup honey

1 teaspoon vanilla extracts

CBD Living oil (added according to your dosage)

To create a DIY double boiler, fill a large pot or saucepan with water. Then, place a heatproof dish on top, all the while making sure to avoid direct contact between the water and the dish.

Turn the heat to low and pour the butter into the dish. Stir it frequently to allow it to melt without burning.

Once half the butter is melted, stir in the cacao chocolate to your double boiler. Keep stirring.

When everything is well combined, take the pan off the heat and let it cool. Don’t let it harden yet.

Once it’s cooled, stir in the CBD oil, honey, and vanilla extract.

Lastly, pour the cacao CBD chocolate into a mold and then even it out using a spatula.

Chill in the refrigerator or freezer until it solidifies. Once it has, you can cut it into pieces. Talk about quality edibles! These chocolates are definitely better than other edibles like gummies! Twitter will probably lose its head over this recipe!

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